The Stack

We all stumble onto invaluable tools that we couldn't imagine living without or that makes our jobs or creative process easier. I've always loved checking out lists of neat utilities and software collected by others, and so here is my stack (stacks*, really). Hopefully something catches your eye.


A very good color grabber. Helpful for when you want to grab a color from anywhere on your screen.


Invariably you need dummy text at random times. This one lives in your menu bar and allows you to quickly grab some Ipsum at various lengths.


After you try this you'll never go back to the standard Mac screenshot system. This is one of those handy little utilities that makes a world of difference.


A privacy-first analytics platform? Sold. Google Analytics is powerful but when's the last time you actually used all that power? Do yourself and your users a favor and collect only what you need.


There's no dearth of quality podcast players out there, but this one is my favorite. While many apps have similar features, the developer, Marco Arment, is a passionate developer and podcast format supporter. He refuses to use un-vetted 3rd party binaries in his app, collects as little user info as possible, and dreams up innovative features like generating and sharing short clips from the podcast you're listening to.


Another one of those utilities that adds a bunch more features and customization on top of the stock app. You can add all sorts of color themes here, use tabs, and my favorite feature: save frequently used commands in a sidebar available at all times.


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