Creative Leader, Designer, & Technologist

Patrick J. Hills


I tell stories and find tremendous satisfaction creating things. As a long-term creative and design leader – with extensive for-profit, non-profit, and agency experience – I design market-resonating brands, attention-grabbing advertising assets, and next-level content. I am passionate about helping organizations tell their stories and solve problems in ways they have not yet imagined. I dive deep into the substance, elicit stakeholder feedback, and use performance metrics to design content and solutions that resonate in the marketplace.

Stories stretch across mediums, and so does my work. I possess both creative AND technical capabilities – each of which inspires and evolves the other. In other words, creative solutions come from effective technical understanding, while the drive to learn new technical skills stems from expanding creativity. It’s a virtuous cycle that enables me to work across a wide range of mediums (videography, social media, web, digital, and print), speak a common language with specialists, and lead teams to efficiently develop meaningful and difference-making content.

I’m a leader who’s in the trenches with my team members, ensuring we push ourselves to innovate, push boundaries, and execute without losing sight of our strategic goal. Working at startups, I discovered there’s no better feeling than working hard alongside brilliant team members that wear many ‘hats’ as we work together from moving pixels around, setting up stages, and packing up video/audio equipment after wrap. In the end – when the team produces interesting, engaging game-changing content – there’s no better reward than sharing a drink with everyone and reveling in our success and hard work.


Let's make something great together!
Email me, or find me on LinkedIn, Dribbble, and Twitter.