Cinema Silo


After a few iterations and discussions with the clients, this is where we landed.
The projector plays on top of silo-esque N. The lowercase m and extending capital L below are meant to also convey "silos".

Check out the podcast! →

↳ Cover Art

Cover Art Light ⤴
Cover Art Dark ⤴

A bit of an extra to the podcast cover art– I saw this card in my head and needed to go for it. Animated the video projector, gave it an old timey nickelodeon feel (the subtle darkening and return of the vignette), and a movie poster look with the credits of the podcast at the bottom. It's a fun piece that the clients used when they started pre-marketing their podcast.

Logo Alternate

The Logo That Almost Was

It might verge on cliché, but I'm still fond of this one.


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